
Eager to Start

Spring's promise approaches, energy slowly uncurls in the shoots from a seed, tender embyonic tendrils pushing up toward the dangers of wind and cold to be fed by the sun. The season yields to fluctuations that drive its identity, then surrenders to the warmth that brings summer.

I'll be starting my brocolli and some other cold weather veggies from seed this week.

Winter was like a see-saw this year in Pennsylvania. December was cold, January was unusually warm and enjoyable, then February turned frigid with a lot of snow. Although the duration of extreme winter weather was short for us, the promise looks good when warmer days strip away laced-up boots, gloves, hat, heavy coat and penguin-like plodding on slippery surfaces. Again.

Reminds me of a symbol of promise. The rainbow. We had a lot of them late last year. One Sunday afternoon, I saw a double one, and photographed it in State College. I could not fit it all in frame, so here it is in halves:

They can also be found on my flickr page.

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